Where Have You Gone Joe DiMaggio?

OUR NATION TURNS ITS LONELY EYES TO YOU. If only it was that easy.  A simpler time.  Maybe not at the time the phrase was penned by Paul Simon, but certainly in retrospect. 

Regardless of your personal ideology, belief system, political / religious affiliations or out-of-body experiences, it seems we all can agree the past few years have been absolutely and completely exhausting.  Not to mention polarizing, frustrating, anger producing and just sad. We’ve thrown each other under the bus, demonized those with whom we disagree and shouted from the rooftops what we believe to be true.  Fortunately, we have social media and cable TV as a place for us all to come together and heal (if you don’t know me well enough, please know my tongue is firmly in my cheek).  Talk about pouring gas on the fire…sigh…

So where do we go from here?  My approach to life has always been that the glass is consistently more than half full and that so very many of us walk around with two loaves of bread under each arm.  This view as an eternal optimist allows for days where you can always see the light at the end of the tunnel and know that the odds are very high for the sun to rise in the morning. Simple as that may be, it’s better than constantly over complicating our lives and thereby allowing for the darkness that exists to be how we define and view our world. What value is there in that?   But I’m also a realist.  Evil exists in the world as does poverty, despair, illness, violence and all other manners of challenges that overwhelms the lives of friends, loved ones and millions of others whom we don’t even know.  Which is why we need to be part of the solution, not the problem.  And why those of us who acknowledge our good fortune have a responsibility to take action on behalf of others and do what we can to lighten the load for anyone who is suffering.  And from my own experience, that’s what I’ve seen from the vast number of people we’re lucky enough to share the planet with.  It’s why the firefighter runs into the burning building, or the schoolteacher shields her students from harm or the medical professionals care for those with contagious diseases or bring care to communities who rarely receive care.  I can’t imagine they’re thinking about their paychecks when life begs them to make a difference.

So, as we emerge from the past couple of years, my hope is we will all take a breath and remember how much we all care about one another.  Life is way too short to hold grudges or to spend our time demonizing one another.  We don’t have to agree with each other all of the time.  We live in a free and plural society where many different ideas and thoughts are welcome.  We just need to respect the right of others who think differently than we do.  This country was founded on the ability to freely express our thoughts and to be able to embrace our beliefs.  Let’s try doing it without shouting at one another or forgetting that there is much more that unites us than divides us.

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Comments (30)

  • Thank you for speaking from your heart. Now is the time for us all to realize our interconnectedness and our strength. We can choose – each of us – to step away from the fear and division being fomented “right and left”…and appreciate each other as we are. The crucial bit is understanding that we do not have to agree with each other to have a place at the table.

  • Thanks for starting what could be a respectful civilized conversation. I too am an optimist and I don’t understand why we’ve drawn such hard lines between us. Politics driven by opposing media set the stage. Can we avoid those traps?

  • agreed
    the pendulum is slowly swinging away from all the hateful whining whinging and I see a slow move toward the reality of compromise.
    It’s not a bad word. It’s how we agree or agree to disagree.

  • Rich, thank you for your insights.

    You are correct that we are a pluralistic society. Always have been. We have different ways of thinking, different preferences, different expectations on how to proceed. But this is not new. Study the presidential elections of Adams, Jefferson and Jackson, among others, to see a divided nation. Throughout our experiment in democracy there have been extreme camps tearing at our seams. But there has also been the core base of Americans who recognize that while we won’t agree on many things, we do agree on the principles of our form of government, on freedom, on democratic elections to resolve our path forward, and on checks and balances. Because, we know we will not always get things right, but we will be able to correct our course through our collective sense and efforts. It is a commitment to fundamentally believe in ourselves even when we disagree.

    Our ancestors created and gave us this opportunity. They supported it and defended it. We are somewhat spoiled in that it was given to most of us at birth. However, it is not an eternal gift. The current threats are real. It is up to us to shoulder our responsibility to protect and preserve it for ourselves and our children. We could fail, but we need to succeed. To do that, we must find a way collectively. One camp cannot do it without the other. Therefore we must reaffirm our commitment not as to how each will get its own way, but as to how we will proceed to address our differences. And we must do that together.

  • Rich, A great way to begin your blog! Our very nature, as human beings and as residents in Mother Nature, we are created to be life-giving. It’s the very essence of our being… and hopefully, more importantly, our doing. We need to sit with this realization every day: every human being has value. Our divisions can deprive, rob or kill our life-giving spirit, so evident in the the exploitations of the many ‘isms’ that plague our world. Our willingness to cross the borders of our comfort levels and insecurities and take risks for love of all creatures and creation will determine our future. Real dialogue – not talking-at or talking-about – is essential to a truly inclusive, life-giving future. Thanks for prompting these thoughts! Peace!

  • I like this. I am a moderate in all ways in my thinking and truly believe there is common ground to be found on all subjects.

  • I have strong friendships with people who do not vote like me. I have learned to avoid posting political beliefs on Facebook. That’s one step in the right direction.

  • Rich – What a great idea — keep this up – PLEASE. We all need a good dose of hope and common sense to keep moving forward. Looking forward to the next one……….

    “Mrs. Jim”

  • Rich thanks for the Blog. May the pendulum swing back towards those things we have always valued: fairness, good schools, love your neighbor, safety in our cities, good police and judges, justice, smart politicians who play the game fairly and for the benefit of the common good, etc.

  • Great!
    So good to hear, what many of us feel.
    Keep an open mind and an open heart is a good way to navigate life.
    Thanks Rich!

  • Rich, you hit it right on the head. Hatred is exhausting, yet, we somehow find the energy to spout off and then retreat to our echo chamber so we can be our own affirmation. I’m hoping that we will begin to recognize our exhaustion and choose the calmer, smoother road that leads to reconciliation, peace and mutual respect. No one has a corner on truth or lies. If our search is sincere, we can do it together and end the circular firing squad.

  • My dear (and wonderfully gifted) friend,
    Man’s efforts at creating the Utopian society apart from GOD have always proven unavailing – as the narrative on the ‘Tower of Babel’ (Genesis 11:1–9) so aptly illustrated. Rather than our nation turning “its lonely eyes to (Joltin’ Joe),” we do better to turn our eyes to God, for the pickle America finds itself in at present is directly related to our having forsaken the Lord from whom all its blessings flowed. Here, ‘listen’ to the late, great Christian apologist (C. S. Lewis): “What Satan has put into the heads of our remote ancestors was the idea that they could be ‘like gods’ – could set up on their own as if they had created themselves, be their own ‘masters,’ invent some sort of ‘happiness’ for themselves – apart from God. And out of that hopeless attempt has come nearly all that we call ‘human history’ — money, poverty, ambition, war, prostitution, classes, empires, slavery … the long, terrible history of man trying to find something other than God which will make him ‘happy.’
    The reason why it can never succeed is this: God made us; ‘invented’ us as a man invents an engine. A car is made to run on gasoline – and it would not run properly on anything else. God designed ‘the human machine’ to run on Himself. He Himself is the ‘fuel’ our spirits were designed to ‘burn,’ or the ‘food’ our spirits were designed to ‘feed’ on. There is no other. That is why it is just no good asking God to ‘make us happy’ in our own way – without bothering about religion. God cannot give us ‘happiness’ and peace – apart from Himself – because it is not there! There is no such thing! That is the key to history.
    Terrific energy is expended. Civilizations are built up. Excellent institutions are devised. But each time … something goes wrong! In fact, the ‘machine’ conks out. It seems to start up all right and runs a few yards, and then … it breaks down. (Man) is trying to run (the machine) on the wrong ‘juice.’ That … is what Satan has done to us humans!”
    However much I appreciate your noble sentiments (I do!), America’s future well-being is wholly dependent on its people repenting of having forsaken God … and ‘going back’ to that fork on the road where we made a wrong turning … and set things right once again with our God.
    CONTINUE to fill our world with your incredible music, Rich! I remember you … well!

  • I certainly agree this is a battle between Good and Evil.I no longer follow the news as I believe they promote hatred and division.We do certainly need to respect others choices and opinions. I try and keep my focus on My Faith,Family and Friends.thanks Rich

  • Excellent ideas and writing, Rich, thank you for doing this. What you’re saying so well is very important, and I hope there will be many more posts. It’s very interesting to read the responses, too. I agree that we have to listen to each other, out of respect, because there are so many more things that unite us than that divide us. And meeting in the middle is the only way to get done the things we need to get done. But as long as people get rich, powerful and famous by telling us the lies we wish were true, instead of the truth we know is true, we’ll continue to indulge in conspiracies and hatred and violence. We need to take this seriously, try harder to find the truth (good luck!), and respect each other. Your blog is a great start. I hope powerful people around the country read it.

  • Rich, I’m inspired by your energy, insights and productivity. ChatGTP says….
    Without a doubt, evil does exist in our world, common sense is absent & our judgment of what’s right or wrong is blurred. Lost family values, the internet, the media and money has degraded our collective morality. Many of us lean on righteous, often self serving opinions, values and beliefs as the only solution to perceived problems. Screaming hypocrisy reigns. That said, What actions are we actually doing to make a difference?
    A good start is to stop listening and parroting the propaganda constantly fed to us by corrupt politicians, biased social platforms and the media. Start thinking for yourself. Educate yourself and get informed. The truth is out there.
    For example, that phone in your hand & the electric car you proudly drive is powered by present day slave labor in the Congo. People are forced to hand mine cobalt with hammers & no PPE, often dying in tunnel collapses. Pay is $1 (one dollar) per day…..so our cool toys can have a longer battery life. You will never hear this on CNN or Fox News
    Let’s try to individually take small steps to make this world a better place for all.
    Perhaps, research organizations trying to help the above suffering people and contribute money or time. Help a homeless American veteran. Maybe, pick up some garbage you didn’t make. Kill a billboard lawyer. Show kindness to 3 strangers every day. Have a positive impact on a fellow human being daily.
    Take action…..Be a part of the solution.

  • Hide it in a hiding place where no one ever goes
    Put it in your pantry with your cupcakes
    It’s a little secret, just the Robinson’s affair
    Most of all, you’ve got to hide it from the kids

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